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BenePortal is our custom website solution for client communications.

Through the portal employees will have access to benefit and wellness information, forms, plan summaries, important links, and communications the client would like to highlight.

BenePortal is a template-based platform – the client can customize certain aspects of the portals such as colors, logos, plan information, images etc.

BenePortal Resources

Home Page

The Home Page is the starting point for employee navigation.​

  • All images can be updated/changed on the site

  • Colors are based off client branding

  • Slides on homepage can be customized if a client would like to highlight something (i.e., OE, Webinars, Employee events etc.)

  • Menu bar can also be customized based on what the client would like to highlight (i.e., perhaps they don’t have a wellness plan but want to highlight |their 401(k) information in its place)


Wellness Tab

  • This is a tab that is dedicated for an employee/company sponsored wellness program

  • Can house all info for that EE dedicated wellness program


Benefits Tab

  • Completely customized based on the clients benefit offerings

  • Can display all benefit plans available to employees as well benefit information (plan summaries, SBCs, carrier flyers)

  • Carrier contact information will be displayed

  • Employees can access this plan information 24/7


Resources Tab

  • Value-Added Resources provided by CSB (any of these pages can be toggled on/off)

  • Can add additional information here if client has specific request


OE/New Employees Tab

The Open Enrollment page can be updated based on client preferences – can show guides, enrollment sites, etc.

  • The OE page can be toggled on/off during the OE period

  • The New Employees tab can also house the guide, enrollment sites, employee handbook etc.

  • Clients dictate the content they would like to see


Frequently Asked Questions


What site modifications are NOT Permitted?

Changes to site structure, page layout, and fonts are not permitted.


Where can I view a sample of the site?

You can see a sample of BenePortal at


Are there individual employee logins?

No. To password protect a BenePortal or subpages, we generate one password for all employees.


What happens if a client has multiple divisions (i.e., hourly/salary employees)

In this instance we would use our Multi-Site option. The employee benefits section is password protected based on the employees division/location etc. – employees can only access their specific benefit information once they enter the password. Note this does not mean the whole site is password protected – only the information that needs to be kept separate. You can see a sample of the multi-site at


What if the client has multiple divisions with different branding, or the divisions don't know about each other?

In special cases, we will create two completely separate BenePortals if necessary to maintain separate branding or maintain confidentiality between employee groups.  Due to the increase in workload and complexity, we only offer this on a case by case basis. To discuss this option, please email us at


How is the BenePortal updated for Open Enrollment?

During Open Enrollment, we typically hide the New Employees Tab and make a special Open Enrollment Tab visible. Please submit a request in Lytho with all materials that you would like to update the OE Tab with. Please let us know what date range you would like the OE tab to be open for, or make a new request when you want it to be closed.


Can the client choose their own URL?

Yes! We will offer suggested links as a courtesy to clients when new BenePortals are ready to go live. If the client would like another url that we did not suggest, we will check its availability. Please note we can not guarantee that a url will be available without checking first.


Does the site have a mobile app?

The site does not have a mobile app; however, the sites are mobile optimized making it easy to view benefits on-the-go. Employees can bookmark the site in their phone’s browser or save it to the home screen for quick access.


Can we track engagement for the BenePortal?

Yes! We install Google Analytics for all BenePortals at the time they go live for employees. To obtain a copy of the analytics, please submit a request through Lytho with the date range that you would like to receive data for.

Do you have a question we didn't answer?

Help us to help you - let us know if there's a new resource you could use, more information we can add, or a point of confusion we can help with!

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